Monday, April 9, 2007

No Shoes Allowed

Welcome to my part of the world!
Take off your shoes and socks--its warm in my neck of the woods.
Don't worry about your pedicure--
we're all about being comfortable around here.

Grab some coffee and come and have a seat on the porch swing.
The squirrels are racing through the trees.
And, I'm pretty sure the humming birds will be back soon.

Can ya feel the breeze blowin down from the heavens?
Come on- life will wait a while longer.
Let's spend a little time enjoying this day.
It's good to be alive!

Up! Up! And Away!

We did it! You are now a blogging Maw Maw. I hope you enjoy this world as much as I do. When you visit sites you must be sure to leave a comment. It is like a calling card and people will come and visit your site. You will be amazed at the people you meet.
If you decide you want to post to your site let me know and I can teach you how. It is not hard. If you want to change something let me know and I can.
Just remember if you start posting and friends come to visit you need to make sure they have something to read or see. There is so much out there. Enjoy!